
The Shop Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this app about?

This is an online platform designed to help most retail, wholesale and service providing business owners and managers with an easy and effective way to manage the day-to-day operations of their shops or businesses. It allows owners and managers to track sales, debtors, staff and provides an efficient way of managing inventories and rendering accounts for businesses.

How do I sign up?

Signing up to this platform as a business or shop owner or manager is easy. Visit the Shop Manager platform, you will be swiftly guided to create and manage your own shop. Your default credentials will be sent to your mail after signing up. Check your spam folder if you don't see the mail in your inbox.

What are the requirements to use this app?

To use this platform, you must have a shop which you own or manage. You must take accurate stock of all your products (item name, quantity in stock, costprice, wholesale and retail prices, etc) and have enough money in your mobile wallet if you will opt for a full version of the app. Usage cost ranges from as low as $5.00 to $7.00 monthly and $50.00 to $70.00 yearly based on your preferred shop orientation.

Where can I use this app?

This app can be accessed from your smartphones, desktop computers, palmtops, laptops, tablets and any device with good internet connectivity. The platform is available for you at anywhere and at anytime. Just make good use of it.

Can I use this app offline?

Yes. The offline version of this app is also available upon request. Contact the support team by filling the Enquiry Form or by contacting +233246528716. directly or via WhatsApp.

Which devices can use this app?

You can use this app on your laptops, phones, computers, tablets and any device with good internet connectivity. This app allows for the use of barcode scanners/readers for selling items and inventory management. It also allows the use of receipt printers for the printing of receipts and invoices.

How can i get these devices?

You can contact the SedoWorld Support Team on +233246528716 for devices necessary for your shop or store.

What type of businesses can use this app?

This app is mainly designed for retailers, wholesalers, supermarkets, stores, malls, shops, clubs, pubs, salons, printing press, and many other shops dealing in the selling of products or the rendering of services.

Can I add multiple users to my shop account?

Yes. This system is designed with three main levels of permissions (i.e. Administrator, Manager, Cashier) with the highest level being the Administrator permission and the lowest being the Cashier. These levels of access and roles have been designed to suit the modern day roles of officials, staff or employees of most shops and businesses. You can enroll as many staff as you want staff based on their role in the app with any of the levels of access.

What are the benefits of using this app?

As an administrator, shop owner or manager, you are able to monitor the activities and operations of your shop at anytime and from anywhere. This app helps reduce or eliminate completely operational errors committed by employees in their daily sales activities. It provides an efficient and effective way for every staff to be accountable for their operations in the shop. With the availability of reports, data and information, managers and shop admins can easily take critical decisions, forecast and make projections for their shops. This app enables you to run your business in a paperless style which makes it highly cost effective as it eliminates the need to buy receipt booklets, invoice books notebooks, stock books, stationery and many other ineffective equipment. Also, the cost involved in adopting this system is a lot cheaper compared to any other tool you could ever use. This platform ensures accuracy in your daily record keeping and eliminates any discrepancies.